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If my people, who are called by my Name, humble themselves and pray (Part One)

The text, for those who have trouble with a rather individual cursive, reads as follows: Scandal after Scandal. No institution safe....

Friday 4 March 2022

Intercession for the people of Ukraine and Russia


Intercession for the people of Ukraine and Russia


Almighty God and Loving, Heavenly Father, trusting in Your great mercy and Compassion,

We lift to You the war in Ukraine.

We pray that You will sow Chaos and Confusion into the minds and acts of those who seek to do and to facilitate evil.

We pray that Your Holy Spirit will stir the Consciences of all, especially the conscripts,

Convicting all of sin and the need to repent.

We pray that You will bring Clarity and truth into all media and that lies, and deceit will be brought into the light.

Heavenly Father, we ask that You give Courage to the hearts of all those seeking to protest the war and seek peace.

Suffering Lord, Who shares our pain, give Comfort to all those who grieve because of this war and enable us to be comforters hand in hand with You.

Merciful Father, we are conscious that all who pray are also sinners and need all these things for ourselves. Assure all, who repent, of Your forgiveness and grant that we will be true witnesses to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Loving Father, we pray that You will bless all those who seek, in the midst of great violence, to show Compassion and mercy,  especially to children and animals, to friend and enemy, to all alike, according to the example and Command of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, in Whose precious Name we ask these things,

Lord in Your mercy, hear our prayer, 





© 04/03/2022 G. I. G.